Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Prometheus was a Titan from Greek myth. Prometheus was punished by Zeus and Zeus's proclamation and was determined to bring fire to Man, but Zeus had guarded the entrance to Olympus. Athena told Prometheus about an unguarded back entrance to Olympus where he would be able to enter with ease. Prometheus wanted Man to have all the benefits and progress that fire would bring and gave fire to man.
I represented this story by having someone hold out their hands like they're giving som ething and i created fire in their hand. I just used the brush tool and created different circles and smudged it upward. I also added light around the fire to make it seem more realistic.

Friday, March 26, 2010


I chose to do Narcissus for my Greek myth, which is basically the boy who fell in love with his reflection. The lighting was perfect so the shadow of his hand represents him trying to touch his reflection and then the ripples are making it seem like its fading away.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Planet & Green

For the "green" picture i chose to use this because everything will start going for brown to green really soon. I did the lomo effect on it to pop out the green a lot. I also blurred the background to make the green the focal point.

For my planet, i just took a scene with a park in it because i liked how the other planets i looked at had houses or something like that on it. I had to crop it the best i could to make the line as less noticeable as possible.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Daytime to sunset

This is my picture that i created using Gavin's tutorial for changing daytime to sunset. In his actual one he downloaded a cool effect where you could have water in your picture, but i think it turned out cool like this.

This is the image before the tutorial.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I actually took this picture a while ago for one of the assignments, but i didn't end up using it then. I think this looks really cool because it turned kinda blue with the snow. The frost and foam on the cup especially looks cool with this effect.

2 Portraits

This is probably my favorite picture of Amber. I brightened up all the colors, but i especially brightened up the reds. Then, i gaussian blurred the background and erased her. I like how all the colors really flow together.

For this photo i dodged and burned her eyes a bit to brighten them up. I also played with the curves. I thought it looked good that everything was bright because the black really contrasts with it well.

Monday, March 8, 2010

4 Portraits

For this image, i didn't do too much editing. I had her wear her hat and goggles, because she is an amazing skier and it's her favorite thing to do. I lightened up her eyes and that's about it.

In this photo, i blurred the background. I also blurred her a little bit and erased her eyes and lips to make them pop out more. I like how all the colors are soft.

All i did for this portrait was blur the background. I really like how her hair is moving and i think her skin looks really soft.

This is a lot different than all of my other pictures because of the different colors. I think it's an interesting photo. I couldn't brighten it up too much, because then everything looked fake, including her eyes. But, i like how it turned out.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Yellow Wallpaper

My room is actually yellow and orange so when i read this story, i couldn't help think of my room and the bright colors. The shadow in this picture represents her reflecting herself, and her touching it represents how she's trying to analyze it every day. Then, i put paint on the hand to show how the wallpaper grew on her and she can never get it off.

Color Psychology

This is my favorite picture out of all of them. All i really did was hang some paperclips on my window. I think that this picture is extremely calming because none of the colors are intense, and the yellow in the background is faded a bit. Also, the background is mostly white which gives it good lighting. All i did was apply a gaussian blur and overlay.

Color Psychology

This picture was also taken at Roosevelt Park. I really liked this picture because of how bright the colors were, and especially the bright blue sky. I applied a gaussian blur to pop the colors out more. The colors go really well together because all of them are bright. It creates an energetic feel.

Color Psychology

I took this image at Roosevelt Park. It's just a climbing area. I thought it was really cool and the colors went well together. I applied a gaussian blur with a blur overlay, and i blurred some of the background. The red is attention getting to grab kids to play, and the blue goes really well with it.

Color Psychology

This is just a picture of a caution sign in downtown oconomowoc. I took this picture because these are colors we see all the time, and when someone looks at it, you think of caution immediately. Yellow and orange are very energetic colors, especially when they're next to each other.